
The Internet's Loneliest Social Network

Display Name


A social network where you chat with people who have an identical browser fingerprint to your own


It seemed fun

I wanted to try my hand at making a webapp that doesn't need JavaScript but still acts dynamic (this site will still work with JS disabled!)

I've long suspected browser fingerprints aren't as unique as some sites claim (how many M1 Macbook Airs are out there? iPhone 12's?), perhaps this will validate that


When JavaScript is enabled, fingerprinting works based on fingerprintjs's algorithm; this measures things like your system preferences, browser configuration, monitor settings, and details of your video and audio chips

When JavaScript is disabled, fingerprinting happens exclusively on the server via request headers - there are some techniques to fingerprint more intensely without JavaScript, for instance via CSS queries, but I have not implemented those here

I made some changes to make the fingerprints more stable, for instance discarding timezone info and exact browser version numbers